Savagery Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Oriana Fallaci once said, “The moment you give up your principles, and your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period.” She is saying that once people giving up everything they onced believed in, it is not hard to turn into the savage everyone has inside of them. Jack is just an example of how quickly savagery can take over. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses the character of Jack show how easy it is to change from being civilized to being a savage. The savagery is represented by the knives and spears Jack has and they show how quickly killing something on a hunt for the first time can change a man in a matter of a couple hours. From the beginning of the novel, it was obvious Jack would be a person …show more content…

Jack and his hunters come into the camp where all the other boys were and are boasting about the pig they killed. Jack says to Ralph, “I cut the pig’s throat,” (53). The first time Jack ever went hunting, he caught a pig but couldn’t convince himself to kill it. He let the pig go and tried to make an excuse to why he couldn’t do it. On his second time hunting, he takes some of the other boys with him and kills his first pig. He was so proud of how he murdered this pig and didn’t have a care that he did it. All he was excited about was how he actually went through with killing a live animal. Jack was starting his journey into savagery right as he killed that pig. It is also shown that Jack had painted his face before they went on the hunt. Golding states, “He made one cheek and one eye-socket white, then he rubbed red over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across from right ear to left jaw. He looked in the pool for his reflection, but his breathing troubled the mirror,” (48). Jack knows what killing this pig will do and he doesn’t want his good, British boy self to see the savage boy that is coming upon him. He masks himself to hide his old self from the reality of his new self. Jack’s turning point from civilized to savage was when he first decided he was going to kill that pig. Once he did, there was no turning

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