Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Brandon Tran
Mrs. Marsden
Honors ELA 1
4 May 2018
No matter how civilized a person is, that person always has darkness in his or her heart. With that being said, there is time when a person could lose his or her moralities because he or she probably can not think of what is right for others. Even someone's actions can symbolize the loss of morality because if he/she takes an action that a civilized person would normally not do. That person will show the lost of morality due to poor judgment and savagery. Throughout Lord of the Flies, many characters lose their morality and innocence through tribal-like events as they experience their new society where no adults are there to help and keep them behaving as a civilization society. In Lord of the …show more content…

A demonstration will be the death of the conch/Piggy. In pages 170 to 181 in Lord of the Flies, William Golding writes that Piggy holds and announces that he has the conch, which dials the volume of the savages to hear what Piggy has to say. Piggy announces that the savages can be savages or be civilized as Ralph to gain rescue. Volume from the savages starts to rise up and as Ralph tries to restate Piggy’s question, Jack and his hunters form a wall with spear ready to charge. Roger on the other hand, pushes a lever with a boulder on it, causing Ralph to dodge the boulder, but Piggy to be crushed along with the conch. Jack proclaims this moment as a consequence for not joining his tribe and exclaims Ralph’s tribe is gone (Golding). This demonstration shows that the conch loses its power when Jack and his hunters lose their morality because of greed for power. Also, they begin to take over all the power and destroy any rules or anyone standing in their way. When Piggy dies and the conch explodes, in the conflict between civilization and savagery, savagery prevails because killing Piggy and destroying the conch shows that morality is lost and so is civilization. To assist this verification in The Symbolism of the Conch, Ian Kinkead-Weekes and Ian Gregor states that the conch is the symbol of democracy and freedom of speech, it stands for civilization. When a person holds the conch to speak he is giving his thought for discussion which may benefits the whole group. The conch loses power when Jack rejects it and symbol of democracy also dies when Jack forms his tribe for attack. The conch is what the hunter tribe does not like because it stands in the way of choosing civilization over savagery. The outcome is that the conch explodes into a multitude of fragments, which ends civilization (Weekes and

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