Satire Essay On Men Are Trash

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You ain’t shit, or to put it in a more colloquial term. MEN ARE TRASH. Does that offend you? Are you triggered? Good that mean you have some maturing and self reflecting to do. All over social media and in society the words ‘Men Are Trash’ are being plastered all over and I am so here for it. Now before you jump to conclusions hear me out. For decades and even to this day men have been and are at the top of the social hierarchy and I support that completely. I firmly believe men have such a huge responsibility in society and have a greater purpose and there are certain things that men can do that women simply cant. Sorry not sorry feminists. Men are biologically stronger than women. Accept it and move on. That’s not to say women are …show more content…

When we actually analyse and look deeper into the roots of the problem, when and how “men are trash” existed and why men continue to disregard their wrongdoings instead of changing our ways.. For the mere fact that you condone certain utterances and acts among your friends make you trash. What many fail to understand is that you honestly don’t have to be an abuser or rapist to be trash, but at some point, you ignored the fact that your friend would loosely call a woman a “bitch” or witnessed your friend mistreat his girlfriend ( verbally or physically ) and stood idling by or even encouraged him. That is where the trashness occurs, by not showing one another “the way” or calling them out. So from a young age men have been taught to protect, be providers, be strong and women have been taught to aspire to be gracious, maternal and ideally the perfect wife and mother and that message has been promoted throughout various media formats from the movies we watched as children to the toys marketed to us and that the ideology that’s been engraved in our minds that men are providers and

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