Sarah Mcburney's Trip To The Zoo

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Hi Pavla, As asked my opinion regarding the concerns of Sarah Mcburney and the day of the trip to the Zoo I will recall the details of the trip and the events that happened to the best of my ability; We left for the zoo in the morning knowing that tempretures could reach up to 38 degrees as was stated in the media and the forcast, we arrived at the zoo at around 10am (to the top back entrance, by the reptiles). We immediatly sat the children down in the cafe area there, under the trees for a drink of our school water (from our large Aquila bottle) ALL children had a drink at this point. We headed off to see the elephants after this. Along the way the path was shaded under the trees and we tried our best (as throughout the whole day) to …show more content…

The children were also allowed refils and Sarah was one of the children who had extra malinovka during lunch. We stayed in the air-conditioned resturant for around and hour before heading off at about 1pm down to the Peguins and through to the water play area. Throughout this time again, Sarah was carrying her water bottle (as she was always very good at knowing to carry this with her). We took a short cut past the alligators to the water park where the children had another cup each of the school water under the trees. Both Mr Perran and Miss Terezka proceeded to take the kids clothes off so they could have a small paddle in the pool there to cool down. At this point I went to the small shop close by and purchased ice-blocks for everyone (Twister/Cyclone mix frozen juices). I returned and we proceeded to get the children out from the water and sit them under the tree again to have their ice blocks. Afterwards it was already 1.45 and we proceeded to get dressed to go to the bus (at 2pm), which was parked not even 50 metres from the water park and took maybe 2 mins to reach (back bottom exit/entrance by the bottom parking lot, close to the water park area, by

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