Salvius In Britannia

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In the story Quintus in Britannia, there are several characters with different personalities. In each sub-story we get new information on these characters traits and personalities.

In Ad Aulam, Salvius is, firstly, shown, within the story, to be very rude and mean. Salvius was very cruel to the Britons. He gets his slaves to beat them up when they got in the way and even threw their cart into a ditch, breaking it even more! He was even laughing! Not only this, he yells and swears at varica he orders him around.

Vārica, quī dominum īrātum timēbat, ad praecursōrēs rediit et magnā voce clāmāvit, “asinī estis! virgāshabētis! ēmovēte Britannōs! verberāte omnēsquī nōsimpediunt!

Salvius, quī nunc erat īrātior quam anteā, eum vituperāvit. …show more content…

He does this through knowing and acknowledging that he must honour Claudius every year or there could be consequences.

“decōrum est nōbīsdīvum Claudium honōrāre”, inquit.

decōrum est Cogidubnō Claudium honōrāre; nam Claudius erat imperātor, quī Cogidubnum rēgem fēcit.”

In Certamen Navale, there are two new main characters that have their own characteristics and attitudes. These are Belimicus and Dumnorix.

Dumnorix is the cheiftan of the regnenses and in Certamen Navale he shows some good attributes to him. All of these relating to him being able to be a good leader. He first shows that he is calm, Dumnorix is able to remain calm despite the heat of battle and the danger of the rocks and made good decisions.

necesseest mihi nāvemad dextramvertere, nam perīculōsumest propesaxum nāvigāre. in nāvefractānōsvincerenōn possumus.” hīsverbīsdictīs, nāvemsuamad dextramvertit.

The second is that he is careful. Dumnorix is repeatedly mentioned in the text to be a very careful captain and his actions display this.

necesseest mihi nāvemad dextramvertere, nam perīculōsumest propesaxum nāvigāre. in nāvefractānōsvincerenōn possumus.” hīsverbīsdictīs, nāvemsuamad …show more content…

Dumnorix, prīncepsRēgnēnsis, gubernātorcallidissimuserat.

Finally, dumnorix maintains a good relationship with his sailors. Dumnorix, unlike belimicus, does not swear at his sailors and they all work in union as a good team. (There is no quote for this as I am simply describing an action that he does not do)

Belimicus is the cheiftan of canticus. He is quite the opposite of dumnorix and displays many bad traits and characteristics. The first of these is denial. Belimicus refuses to accept that it was his fault that he lost the race and he even blamed it on other people.

Belimicus, prīncepsCanticōrum, nautāssuōsvituperābat, “vōsasinī! nōlīteignāvīesse! necesseest vōbīsRēgnēnsēsvincere!”

omnēstamenBelimicumvidērepoterant, quod in summōsaxōcōnspicuussedēbat. etiamnunc clāmābatet nautāsvituperābat, “vōsasinīestis! vōsnāvemmeamdēlēvistis!”

“iste Dumnorix mē dēcēpit”, Belimicus sibi dīxit. “mē in scopulum impulit et praemium iniūstē

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