Salvador Dali Research Paper

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Artistic techniques of Salvador Dali On May 11, 1904 Salvador Dali was born in Figueres, Spain. Although Dali is known for his surrealist paintings that is not at all where he started. He had to go through many styles of art to get to where he is today. He went through fazes of Realism, impressionism, and cubism until he settled on surrealism and painting through Sigmund frued theories. Around 1916, Dali went on vacation with his family and met a local painter named Ramon Picot. Picot introduced Dali to his first two stages of art realism and impressionism. Realism is a way of painting that depicts real objects, situations, or actions in an abstract form. Dali showed us this in his painting “The Disintegration of the Persistence of …show more content…

His art was then influenced by cubism and symbolism. Cubism is a movement when art took an emphasis on formal structure and used geometrical shapes to depict the natural form. An example of Dali using cubism would be the painting, “Neo-Cubist Academy (composition with three figures)” (1926, oil on canvas, 190x200cm). It shows cubism features in the shapes of the human bodies, the objects and their surroundings. Another way of art Dali had taken on was symbolism, which is a way to use symbolic images and indirect suggestions to express mystical ideas, emotions and states of mind. Dali showed symbolism immensely in one of my favorite paintings of his “Daddy Long legs of the Evening – Hope” (1940, oil on canvas, 16 x 20 in). This painting depicts the civil war and the tragedy that happened because of it. The scene shows Dali as a melted self portrait which takes place in the center of the painting; his figure is holding a cello. Towards the right corner of the painting a child with wings covers his eyes and points, a cannon shoots a deteriorating horse while an airplane melts out of the cannons mouth. From the airplane Nike, the goddess of victory, rises covered in bandages. As for the title of the painting a daddy long legs spider stands and moves forward. “There is an old french peasant legend that says daddy long legs seen at evening brings good luck.” With this being said Dali saw peace at the end of the war. This work is so unique because of the message and the odd way its displayed. It is a powerful piece with a deep

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