Salinisation Of Soil Salinity

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Soil salinity is the salt substance in the soil and the process of increasing the salt content is known as salinisation. The most common salt known is sodium chloride (NaCl) and the term salinity only refers to the chloride ions (Cl-) in the ionic compound. Soil salinisation occurs when water-soluble salts accumulate in the soil to a level that impacts on agricultural production and environmental health (Thompson, A. 2017).

Primary salinisation is where salt accumulates in the soil and groundwater of an area over a long period of time due to natural processes and influences such as: rain, oceans and rocks.

Sea water picked up by the process of wind blowing over the ocean ( often seen as a haze along windy beaches) is carried inland and deposited on surfaces. The water then evaporates, leaving a salt deposit . In areas with low rainfall the salt is not " flushed away" and accumulates eventually reaching a toxic level. In areas with high rainfall the salt can be carried into the soil by rainfall and buried over thousands of years, but later be exposed by erosion or trapped by groundwater (Agriculture, 2017).

Water is picked up by the process of evaporation and carried into the atmosphere …show more content…

When the plants use the water, the salt context is left behind within the soil which accumulates over time, this process is known as salinisation. Especially saline soils are often recognised by a white layer of salt on the surface of the soil. As the soil becomes waterlogged (refers to the saturated soil), vegetation and crops die since they have a constrained access to oxygen. Excessive salt within the root zone reduces plant growth due to increasing energy that the plant must expend to acquire water from the soil (NSW Environment, 2013) (Department of Primary Industries,

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