Salem Witch Trials In The 1930's

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In the early 1930’s the Holocaust slowly began when Adolf Hitler became a leader and a reich chancellor. The Holocaust had five to six million Jewish deaths while Salem Witch Trials had nineteen people hung and one pressed to death. The Holocaust was similar to the Witch Trials because they were both historical events that were where people were treated poorly, Had leaders that discriminated against people for their own selves to feel power, and to purge against society to exterminate everyone who did not “fit in”. When the Holocaust began Jews were discriminated for the way they looked and their beliefs, In fact, the Nazi dictator ,Adolf Hitler, wanted to eliminate all Jews as a part of his aim to conquer the war (Stier, “Holocaust American Style”). Hitler was a leader of a party of people and he had enormous amount of control over a excellent amount …show more content…

The more Hitler expressed ideas about how the Jews got in the way of his plans to “help the world” than more people went along with his plans. Abigail had a whole group of girls following her actions because they were scared of her. She knew the only way to get people to follow her influence was to have a group of girls and she had all the village teen girls following her lead in The Crucible. Jews way of living while in a concentration camp was a harsh time. They died of many different causes. For example: Starvation, Diseases, gas chamber, shot, burned to death, beat to death, or put to working hard labor. Some lived without the knowing of what was happening to their family members because they were at a different camp. For a fact, every jew lived in fear while they were locked up at a camp. They never knew when there time was to come. The more they showed fear the more harsh the Nazis

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