Safeguarding Young People

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It is important for youth worker to keep an eye out for young people whilst they use their social media and put information on the Internet as Internet access is easily assessable and Men and women are now using the Internet to communicate with these young people. NSPCC website mentions how the young people may be tricked into believing they are in loving relationships and in return receiving gifts and that the first initial meeting could of taken place online. The policies that have been in place for safeguarding a young person effects the way in which a youth worker can work with the young person and till what extent a young person confidence in the worker is on line when off loading their emotions, behaviours and life style of the young …show more content…

The Policy of which I work off in Blackbird Leys Adventure Playground to protect young people mentions that signs of neglect, psychical abuse, emotional and sexual must be reported to BLAPs Safeguarding officer. Then it is discussed and taken further according to the severity of the case. As I mentioned before having a young person confide in you then letting them know that the information would be passed to other members can make it difficult for me to build and then sustain relationships with young people and not being sure that if escalated how long it may take to get the young person protected and help them develop and learn about the way of life. Also, as many safeguarding polices differ around local governments it is hard for a youth worker to impairment the procedures, as my practice has not informed me of who is our safeguarding officer and when or where we would these discussions be held has a overall effect on me as I do not know where or how I would follow through this policy within my

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