Sacrifice In Stephen King's The Stand

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I remember when I was twenty-seven and reading Stephen King’s “The Stand” for the first time. I reached the point in the story where a protagonist, one of the few survivors after a massive flu epidemic, thinking himself alone in New York, attempts to leave the city. To get out he chooses the Lincoln Tunnel as his exit route. In the dark, moving carefully with only the decaying bodies of people who had attempted to flee for company his imagination gnaws at him. Then he was, well let me let Mr. King tell it, he was “…instantly engulfed with fear at that single gritting sound...a footstep.” I threw the book across the room I was so afraid. That is when I decided what I wanted to write. What I call horror of the psyche. Writing that doesn’t need blood and gore to scare the pants off someone. I want someone to throw my book across the room, scream and then run to pick it up again because they can’t not finish it. I was born Nov 3, 1963 and started writing short stories as young as ten. It had always been a hobby of mine and as I got older I knew I …show more content…

Being a single parent is a fantastic job and eight years later my son had a little sister. That was my focus, raising two terrific kids to become fully functioning adults that contribute to society. My daughter is now at ASU pursuing an education degree and my son has a great job in the tech industry. I thought the empty nest would be rough until I remembered my writing. Now, aside from a full and part time job, I have all the time in the world to devote to that passion. I did have a short story published in 1992 by Pumphouse Publications entitled “Cavity Police.” I was trying to juggle being a mom and writing at the time, but soon learned I needed to pack up my materials and put them aside. Once my daughter left, I pulled out that old beat up suitcase full of my hopes and dreams, dusted it off and opened it up. I felt young again and eager to start the next phase in my

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