Ryan Lochte Research Paper

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Ryan Lochte: a Modern Tragic Hero The 2016 Rio olympics game has been a hot topic around the world recently. On the swimmers’ end Ryan Lochte’s case is the biggest topic other than Michael Phelps taking 23 gold medals and breaking the record that lasted for 2000 years. Ryan Lochte claimed that he was robbed by armed men who identified themselves as police officers that a gas station is Rio de Janeiro on August 14th, 2016. Later, the Rio official addresses that the “robbery” never occurred, in contrast. Ryan Lochte and other these swimmers damaged public properties at the gas station which caused the security guards to present his gun. Due to the incidence, Ryan Lochte could be identified as a modern tragic hero since he fulfill the three characteristics of a tragic hero: high status, a tragic flaw ,and downfall. First of all, Ryan Lochte fit the characteristic of a tragic hero since he is in position of one of the greatest athletes in history ,and people expect more out of him. He is referred to an extremely successful swimmer by Forbes Stating “He is the second most decorated olympic …show more content…

Some may say that the robbery at the gas station indeed occurred, but it is obvious that the swimmers were offering money to the police initially, it is proven by the video recorded by the cameras at the gas station. Through the Rio robbery scandal, Ryan Lochte fulfilled the three common characteristics of a tragic hero, therefore, he can be identified as modern tragic hero. He was in the position of high expectation since he is the greatest swimmer in the U.S. without naming Michael Phelps; he introduced his immaturity to the world as a tragic a tragic flaw; and at the end, his immaturity lead to consequences and a great hit to his reputation. The tragic story of Ryan Lochte remind us that high reputation and high status is maintained with

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