Ross Abelow Research Paper

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Ross Abelow is a very successful lawyer. Most people think that lawyers are very tough people. However, Ross Abelow has a very soft side. He is a philanthropist that was moved by the plight of homeless animals. Homeless animals face numerous perils, especially in the harsh winter months. The big hearted lawyer decided to make a difference and help the animals. He started a campaign to raise funds for the homeless animals and to support the shelters that need the money to continue their services.

The Fundraiser
Ross Abelow is not the type of person that sits around and shake his head about conditions affecting our four legged friends. He took matters into his own hands and decided to start a fund-raiser for the city's animals. The fund-raiser was started on January 13. The fund-raisers goal is to raise $5,000 for the cause. The funds are going to be donated to the shelter to cover food, medical care, and blankets for the animals. This is a very worthwhile cause that will surely help to save hundreds or perhaps thousands of animals that might otherwise perish. Clearly, the main focus is on providing those funds to keep the shelters open, especially in the winter. He would like everyone to check out his GoFundMe page for more on the charity work. …show more content…

He attended State University of New York at Albany, and earned a He is also a graduate of Brooklyn Law School. He graduated from Brooklyn Law School in

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