Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare The play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare is a Greek tragedy .Shakespeare uses a chorus which identifies the disasters which are to occur later in the play. the play is based in Verona and involves characters from two main families who are embroiled in a feud ; the chorus suggests that the feud been going on for many years; "Two households both alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene from ancient grudge break to new mutiny" The play starts with members of the Montague Family strolling around the market; insults are exchanged resulting in a fight. The fight provokes the prince of the city (Prince Escalus) to threaten a death sentence to who ever is responsible for any other fighting in the city. The following quote corroborates this; "If you ever disturb our streets again Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace." Romeo, a member of the Montague family is in love with a woman called Rosalyn who is going to become a nun. Romeo is upset by this and his friends recommend that he attend the party of the the rival family (The Capulets) to take his mind off her. Once he is there Tybalt a member of the Capulet family sees him and is furious but is told by his father to take no action in the eyes of the guests. Unfortunately for most of the characters in the play Romeo meets Juliet and falls in love with her and some of the consequences of this are seen in a dramatically effective way in Act 3 scene 1. The party is partly responsible for sending the ball of death rolling. This affects all the characters in some way. You can also tell from the start of the play that the play is destined to have a negative outcome from the chorus. Shakespeare sets the scene for making th atmosphere dramatically effective by creating a tension between the main characters in the rival families.

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