Romeo and Juliet Essay

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Romeo and Juliet Essay

The play Romeo and Juliet written by Romeo Shakespeare is about a teenage boy named Romeo falling in love with a girl named Juliet. The problem with them falling in love and getting married is that they both come from feuding families the Capulet and the Montague. A character named Friar Laurence tries to stop the family feud by creating a plan between Romeo and Juliet. The plan didn’t work and Romeo and Juliet end up killing themselves and the family feud stops. In the play Romeo and Juliet the two people that could of saved Romeo and Juliet were the Nurse and Lady Capulet.
The Nurse behaves like a friend in Act 3, Scene 5 and lines 225-238. This is when the Nurse is telling Juliet about how she should marry Paris because he's rich and now that Romeo is banned from Verona Romeo is nothing compared to Paris. This shows that the Nurse just wants to make her life easier by letting Juliet marry Romeo and not tell her parents. She had supported Juliet in her decision in not wanting to marry Paris like before. If the Nurse did support Juliet’s decision then she c...

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