Romeo And Juliet Persuasive Speech

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This question is commonly asked when the topic of “love” is brought into conversation. Love is so powerful that it can take over your whole mindset and your heart will start to make decisions for you. It can control what’s most important to you and push others away. You have to decide for yourself what you value and if your so-called “true love” is going to be your prime focus. You need to make certain that you know what you want for your life. Many people would disagree with my standpoint, but any love, whether it’s real or not, is not worth the people who were there for you at the very beginning.
Whoever this special person is that you meet, they could seem perfect to you but your family can see past that. The people in your life want the absolute best for you and they will be able to tell if someone is not going to be right. Your “true love” wants you for right now but how about in the future? Your family and friends will be by your side forever no matter what, so truly, nothing is worth sacrificing them. It is honestly a mistake that Romeo and Juliet betray their family’s wishes and go for the enemy, because they’re family just wants what is best. “Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, …show more content…

You need not anyone’s approval or essentially anyone in general because you will be happy and content with that person. Your love will be so genuinely overpowering that you won’t even be able to comprehend any thoughts about any other being because you will be so focused on that one person. The quote that “love is the most dominant force on earth” strengthens this point. Fundamentally, their reasoning is that love will satisfy you. “O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.” (The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act ll pg.

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