Romeo And Juliet Impetuous Quotes Analysis

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The word impetuous is very easily related to the play Romeo and Juliet. There are so many places in the play where hasty impulsive actions, by multiple characters, turned out very bad but could have been avoided by just a couple seconds of thinking. Romeo, Juliet, and the Friar Lawrence all can be described as impetuous. All of their impulsive actions costed them the lives of two young heirs. Romeo was running from his friends and climbed a 20 foot wall to get away, unintentionaly walking into the Capulet’s garden. There he stalks a young girl by the name of Juliet from the bushes. When Romeo emerges, Juliet almost goes to get guards who would have killed Romeo. But, in the end that scene turns out well. Another time Romeo married Juliet after only meeting her not even twenty four hours before and an adult agrees to marry the two knowing this and also knowing that they are from two families that hate each other. He also gets ready to kill himself as soon as her hears that Juliet is “dead”. As Well as many other bad, impulsive ,and passionate actions. Such as actually killing himself …show more content…

She agreed to marry her sworn enemy after only knowing him for less than a day, Act 2 scene 3 Nurse “Then hie you to Friar Lawrence’ cell; there stays a husband to make you a wife.” The Nurse knew that Romeo was a Montague and that Juliet’s mother and father would never agree to marriage but she told Juliet that she should marry anyways, just in secret. Juliet drank a potion that might have killed her and it made her family think she was dead just so she could not marry someone she didn’t want to. Act 4 scene 1 Juliet ”O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris, from off the battlements of any tower…”, she lists many other ways to kill herself after this. When she wakes up from the potion to find Tybalt and Romeo dead she has two lines and then stabs herself with almost no thought process at

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