Romeo And Juliet DBQ

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The song “Michelle” and Romeo & Juliet Act I, Scene 5, Lines 44-53 ,if both were considered together, says that the males first express their romantic feelings towards a woman by telling her how much they love her. The song “Michelle” is a song performed Paul McCartney at the White House. In the song it talks about how a man loves a woman but he speaks French and the woman he loves, “Michelle”, does not speak English so the man is speaking her language. In the play Romeo & Juliet Act I, Scene 5, Lines 44-53 written by William Shakespeare around the year of 1594-96. In this act a man named Romeo discovers a woman named Juliet. Romeo falls in love with her and believes she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Considering both of the sources, we can believe that both of these sources are saying that the males in the sources would do anything to get this one woman. …show more content…

1). What the male figure is saying is that the woman he loves does not speak English but she speaks French. So the male is learning how to speak French so he could talk and be with this woman. Romeo, before the night he saw Juliet, had a thing for a girl named Rosaline and he thought that she was the most beautiful in the world. Then later on he discovers Juliet and changes his opinion. This is revealed when Romeo says,”Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!”(1.5.3-4). Romeo is talking about an Ethiope's ear and what he means by this is that the Ethiope's ear is very beautiful and has very fancy jewelry. He also says that she is so beautiful that nobody will ever be as beautiful as her not even

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