Romeo And Juliet Consequences

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Who is it to blame? The death mark'd love of two foes. As mentioned in the prologue "Two household, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood make civil hands unclean". One foolish move that turned pure hands which once belonged to sentimental Romeo unclean casting the final tragic end. The classic play "Romeo and Juliet" written by William Shakespeare, depicted unforeseen consequences from that the unfortunate deaths of two madly in love youths, Romeo and Juliet . The bitterness between two families is the prominent reason for their untimely deaths but the rivalry was not the factor which killed them, rather it created other events which stemmed …show more content…

Juliet’s mother, Lady Capulet, follows the structure of Verona’s social expectations. She states that by Juliet’s age, she had already given birth to Juliet and was married to a successful and rich man, Lord Capulet. This was expected of Juliet, and as a result of her parents’ lack of concern toward her and desires to marry who she wants. This results Juliet to disobey as an act of rebellion she marries Romeo without her parents consent and knowledge of her marriage. Although this is not the specific cause of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths it stemmed obstacles for Romeo and Juliet. The feud between their families was an 'ancient grudge' this resulted to people to no longer know the reason for the feud. The two household was greedy for power and social status which led to the lovers' unthoughtful actions leading to their death. From the very start, fate has deemed Romeo and Juliet's relationship as 'death mark'd' and to be destined to end to tragedy. The “ancient grudge” between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s influenced Tybalt who was fuelled by his hate for the Montagues to accidentally kill Mercutio caused by Romeo's interference, Romeo is then stricken of the death of Mercurio therefore seeks Tybalt for vengeance. Consequently, Romeo becomes a victim of the rivalry between the two families and is banished by the Prince's demand. This makes the rivalry the main reason for Romeo and Juliet’s tragic. What if Romeo did not go to seek his friend to share his happiness, in one scene Romeo was in great joy then was

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