Romantic Values Of Romanticism

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The Romantic Movement was a time of huge changes in the values of many humans. It was a movement during the late 1700's-early mid 1800's that had totally opposite values to the values of the enlightenment and industrial revolution. The Romanticism Movement started as a reaction to the age of enlightenment and industrial revolution. The age of enlightenment was all about science, logic, and progressing technology which led to the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution took on the values of the age of enlightenment, making huge progresses in technology, however that being done in the exchange of destroying nature. On the other hand, romantics went totally against these values. Romantics believed in individual freedom, nature, art, and feelings and emotions. The contrasting values of the Romantic Movement and the age of enlightenment are shown through the characteristics that are in Romantic Literature. For example, in romantic literature, there is value of nature while the industrial revolution only destroyed nature. There is also value of human feelings, emotions and behaviour in romantic novels-the enlightenment valued logic and science, being totally opposite from each other. Imagination and individual freedom are other concept shown in romantic novels while the enlightenment valued science and a place in society. Using these characteristics, Mary Shelly makes Frankenstein a piece of Romantic literature.Specifically, she uses the ideals of nature, emotions and feelings and knowledge being harmful to express the values of the romanticism in this novel, Frankenstein.
One of the values of romanticism she uses to contribute to Frankenstein, is nature. Nature is constantly referred to throughout the novel as it was shown...

... middle of paper ... quest to find out about unknown land, he did not know how to choose right from wrong. In his letter he had written to his sister, he wrote, "One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement which I had sought, for the dominion I should aquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race (period)?"(20) At this point, Waldon was so obsessed with finding out about this unknown land that he was willing to risk the lives of the sailors that were on the ship with him. mary shelly is trying to show what science and logic can do to you was a However, after hearing what Victor had to say about his experiences with science, it made Waldon come to his senses made him come to his senses rethink about the decisions he was making in his pursuit for knowledge. .With all these con mary shelly is trying to show what science and logic can do to you

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