Romantic Relationship Development In Movies

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I like how Dean tries to do anything to keep his family together, because we can basically say he's never had one because his mom leaving his family at an early age, and of course the last thing he wants to happen to his family is to fall apart like his parents did. I also think that Cindy, more than anything she was expecting more from him, since she had more education and a better job than him and they kind of discuss about using his talents because she wants more from him. I know Dean talks about the way of life he has, how he enjoys it and how he is happy with it. Having a job, being his own boss, drinking a beer at 8 in the morning and coming home early to spend time with his family. She believes he has so much more the potential in life.

These two movies can relate to the text in different ways. The biggest relation to the text I find is the relationship development. Between Dean and Cindy we can see the entire cycle of a romantic relationship development in Chapter 7. The initiation when …show more content…

Intensifying when now they are dating and keep falling in love. Integrating when Cindy goes and tries to perform the abortion, and he is the only one that has the will to help her and later on bonding when they finally get married. Even though the movie is kind of sliced in these stages you can still see how the stages follow up. In the beginning of the movie you can see how the relationship starts falling apart, some of the disagreements is when they see the dog escapes “again”, and they don’t spend too much time together since her job requires her to spend a lot of time away from home so they are not talking to each other very much, and when they are together they don’t talk too much and she is kind of avoiding him. The times they get to talk they are arguing and getting nowhere. One of the most remarkable moments is when they are in the getaway hotel and they are still arguing about why he doesn’t use his abilities for more and Dean says:

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