Roman Technology Research Paper

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Technology in Rome today has been heavily influenced by Technology in ancient Rome. The things you see in stores now have been influenced by Ancient Rome. The choices are larger than they were back in Ancient Rome. Even though ancient Rome and modern day America are very different from each other there are a lot of similarities too. Two of the major inventions were the telescope and the thermometer, they used that a lot in ancient Rome and we still use it today. The telescope was used to see stars up closely. The telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey. The telescope has changed a lot since Ancient Rome times. The thermometer was also a big deal back then. The thermometer helped the Romans figure out what the temperature was of …show more content…

Even though it’s not called the abacus anymore it’s still a calculator and it has a great use. The abacus helped people in a lot of different ways. It made it a lot easier for people to work when they didn’t have to add it all in their heads. They could just use that and it would make life a lot easier. It also made the work they had to do go by quicker because adding up everything took a long time and it was a lot of work.
There were bridges built in ancient Rome and they were very important we still have tons of bridges today. The bridges helped a lot because they helped people travel from place to place without traveling by water which most people did. Traveling by water was more difficult too so bridges impacted the Roman life a lot. A lot of different things such as bridges have made life easier and another thing is the printing press. The moving printing press that was used to write things, now we have pencils and computers that we use to write and type with. The printing press is different from computers because the printing press took a lot longer to type things. It was also a lot bigger than the laptops we have today. The printing press what invented by Bi

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