Roles Of Beach Reclamation

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The Role of The Actor Against The Beach Reclamation

Beach Reclamation has been done by many countries, not only Indonesia but others country such as Dubai, Singapore, China, South Korea and Japan agreed on it (Ayuningtyas, 2016). Beach reclamation is an activities on the waterfront performed by people in order enhance the benefits of land resources terms of the environment and socio-economic containment, land drainage or drainage (Pedoman Perencanaan Tata Ruang, 2016).

The purposes of this essay for the understanding of the beach reclamation, the relationship between the government, companies or businesses, communities and non-governmental organizations.

The areas that used as a beach reclamation area should pay attention to the social aspects, economy and culture in that area. Beach reclamation itself can create a new jobs to the society near that areas. On this issue of governments, companies or businessman, Lembaga Swadaya …show more content…

We already know Indonesia is a democratic country that focuses on the people by the people and for the people. The Democratic country gives people the freedom of speech and expresses their opinions on the life issues facing society. So, not only government that can influence decisions change but societies can too.

In this case companies and non-governmental organizations have disagreements on the implementation of beach reclamation. The company wants to set up a hotel, a water tourism rides, restaurants and more. However, it is considered to be detrimental to the community around the coast beach areas formerly settled. Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) or NGOs strongly oppose the implementation of beach reclamation because from their perspective, they need to maintain and accommodate any existing society. So that reclamation will be undertaken by a party will examine further the public

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