Role Of The Ghost In Macbeth

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In Macbeth, there are many different ways the play has been acted out. One of the most differing elements between the plays is the scene where Banquo's ghost makes an appearance. Is some versions, Banquo’s ghost is left out so the Macbeth is the only one who is aware of it’s presence. In others, the ghost makes an appearance on stage so the audience knows that it does exist. Both methods have their positives and negatives. In the tragedy Macbeth, including the ghost on stage is more efficient than leaving it out because it makes the scene more clear for the audience, adds intensity to the scene, and provides a better relation to what Macbeth is experiencing. The first reason it is beneficial to have the ghost on stage is for the audience's …show more content…

Many times during this scene Macbeth is yelling about the ghost, and trying to prove himself innocent. “Avaunt! and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee! Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which thou dost glare with.(3.4.97-101)” The ghost has just reappeared and if the audience has visual confirmation that the ghost is present, it adds intensity and suspense to the scene. If the ghost were not present on stage during this scene, the dark and intense element would not be present which would therefore lose the attention of the audience. Ultimately, the success of a play relies on the audience's attention to detail. Including the ghost on stage makes it easier to get engaged and react to the play. The third and final reason why the ghost being present on stage is beneficial is because it helps the audience better relate to and understand what Macbeth is going through. As Macbeth is on stage going on about the ghost, the audience would have trouble seeing from his point of view if the ghost were not present. A good example of a confusable part of the scene is when Macbeth begins to insult the

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