Delusions In Macbeth

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Macbeth is told that Banquo is dead, but Fleance has escaped and Macbeth says that Fleance is like a serpent and will not be a problem just yet but will eventually become one. Macbeth then see Banquo’s ghost at the table and stops dead in his tracks, with horror on his face he begins talking to the ghost. Lady Macbeth covers the scene with saying that Macbeth has delusions. The ghost leaves and then the table makes a toast to Banquo and the ghost reenters causing Macbeth to scream at the ghost to leave, his wife, once again covers his outbursts with saying that he has delusions and they bid the lord farewell. Macbeth says that he will go see the weird sisters and says that he is not in his right senses. The three witches meet with Hecate, …show more content…

He says that he is called evil, but Malcolm does not believe that he is evil. Malcolm states that he has the most miraculous work and that he is a good king. Malcolm believes that this king could be the cure of many sicknesses and relies heavily upon him. Malcolm also says that this king can give prophecies as the witches do and that would be a blessing for them all. Act V: A doctor has been summoned to observe Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking. The woman who called the doctor says that she has seen Lady Macbeth get up, dress herself, leave her room, write something on a piece of paper, read it, seal it, and return to bed, all without waking up. The woman does not want to tell the doctor what Lady Macbeth says while she is asleep. The thanes are marching towards Macbeth’s castle using the forest as a disguise. A servant says that one thousand warriors are coming for Macbeth, Macbeth sends him away and calls for his armor. He asks what the state of his wife is, the doctor replies with “ she is not so sick, but troubled from visions and she can cure herself”, this displeases Macbeth, who tells the doctor to find a medicine for his wife. The Doctor confesses that he wants to be as far away from Dunsinane as possible. Macbeth orders that his flags are flown, and says that he will hold until the other side dies of famine. Seyton brings the news of Lady Macbeth’s death, which Macbeth replies with “ she should have died …show more content…

The witches are giving Macbeth his fate. The entire time he is not interested in his fate but only in his downfall. Another thing that was displayed throughout this scene is the fact that even know the vision only appeared once the vision is reoccuring within Macbeth’s mind. Macbeth’s mind is so clouded with the fact that he is “ Invincible” it almost makes him into a ghost, who only sees power and killing. This quote could play both ways as a ghost or a vision is a literal or physical

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