Role Of Loyalty In School

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Student and Stakeholder Loyalty Stakeholders of schools come in all different forms. The loyalty that these stakeholders show towards the school impacts the school in many different ways. Educators show their loyalty to the school differently than that of a local business or parent of a student. Educators will put in longer hours, staying after the final bell and coming in early before school. The educator maybe tutoring students, attending committee meetings or coaching an extra-curricular activity for the school. Other members of the school community may help with fundraising for the school, by raising money for the school to purchase new books, computers, etc. The administration will show its loyalty to the school by keeping classroom fair in regards to student volume. Class sizes stresses out an educator, the amount of students that are in the class, the amount of special education students in the class and the behavioral aspects of the students have a lot to do with how the school looks at the loyalty of the administrator. …show more content…

The school will conduct surveys with the educators and the students. The purpose of the survey is to calculate the satisfaction these groups have with the way the school is being run. The administration will take notice of how long the educators are staying after school, and if the educators are working with students during after school tutoring periods. The administration uses these observations to determine how invested the faculty and staff are towards the school. When an educator is spends extra time after school preparing lessons for the following day, the educator is showing how the important the successes of the students are to them. The school can also listen to the community, which schools are the bad schools and which are the good

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