Roberto Ignacio Torres Bake

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Throughout the passage from “Roberto Ignacio Torres Bakes” and the passage from “The Dreamer,” Papi and Neftali change. Both of these characters had dreams that they ignored at first, but then embraced. Papi, a character from “Roberto Ignacio Torres Bakes,” dreamed of becoming a baker, while Neftali, a character from “The Dreamer,” dreamed of becoming a poet. Both of these characters are dynamic and they evolved throughout the passage.
In the passage from “Roberto Ignacio Torres Bakes,” Lita, Papi’s daughter, asks him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Papi replies by saying that he did what his father taught him: framing and construction. Lita then asks him what he dreamed to be when he was younger. Papi is indirect and says, “ I …show more content…

Paragraph 2 says, “Father knew many people in Santiago, and Neftali could not take the chance that Father would discover he was disobeying him. Besides that, he could not stop thinking about what Father had said - that he was an embarrassment to the family.” He suppressed his dream, trying to hide it from his Father, until one day, he started reading a poetry book. He read about a character named Paolo, and said the name aloud. It didn’t feel right to him, so he translated it into Spanish, getting Pablo. At that point, he made a decision. He would use the name Pablo Neruda as a pseudonym so that his Father wouldn’t know that it was actually Neftali. The next day, Neftali left his home, so that he could go somewhere where he could write freely. Paragraphs 8-11 say, “The following morning, he slowly packed his belongings into a metal trunk: clothes, books, pens, and, of course, something for which he would never be too old - his sheep. He carefully sorted his collections into storage boxes, taking one box with him and taking the other to Laurita’s for safe keeping. He stood in the doorway and handed her the box. “Do not let it go up in flames.” She smiled. “I will guard it with my life.” That night and throughout the next day, he rode third class in a car full of peasants. It smelled of damp wool from rain-soaked ponchos and wet feathers from unhappy chickens that had been tucked into

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