Robert Frost Fire And Ice

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The Destructive Impact of Desire and Hate in Robert Frost's “Fire and Ice” Robert Frost is one of the most well renowned American poets. He is viewed favorably due to his strong imagery, and he accurately depicts common rural happenings. One poem of Frost's strays from this common topics, and this poem is “Fire and Ice”. In this poem Frost discusses the means by which the world may end. He discusses the power of the elements and how two elements in particular would both suffice in the destruction of the earth. Frost uses the metaphors of “fire” and “ice” to convey his message; he proves that desire and hate are the two most powerful emotions capable of bringing life to an end. The power of ¨fire¨ is conveyed perfectly by Frost. In the piece …show more content…

The narrator appears to be more afraid of the emotions associated with fire, and would disregard the ice and its possibly detrimental effects. Frost details ice when he says, ¨I think I know enough of hate/ To say that for destruction ice/ Is also great/ And would suffice¨ (Frost 6-9). Ice is a metaphor for hate and cold emotions such as detachment. When receiving hatred or detachment one will often be given the ¨cold shoulder;¨ hatred is a ¨cold emotion¨ and it is only fitting that Frost would associate it with a world ending in ice. Hate has the power to end more than just the world; in fact, the world is most likely a metaphor for an individual's goals. This is proven by Deirdre Fagan of Bloom's Literature when she states, ¨Frost is not imaging an end to the world in general but rather seeing a broader scope of endings… in things closer to the human heart, such as relationships or love affairs.¨(Fagan). Hatred is powerful enough to end and individuals world; it has the power to end hopes, dreams, and even relationships. Hatred is often the first thing to occur when thinking of destruction, yet Frost lists it as the least likely to destroy the world. This is because the sting of hatred hurts much less than that of desire. Hate is an innate emotion and it is near impossible for reason to reign its power. Hate decreases one's awareness of what is right and what is wrong; since this is the case, hate too has the

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