Right To Die Argumentative Essay

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Since this topic is a growing one, there’s terrible measures that can occur. Something that was once small has grown tremendously large. Usually assisted suicide is for those who have a terminal illness but in the upcoming years that could change. The topic of whether or not mentally ill patients could do this has come up alongside of elderly people. This is explained by Ryan Anderson, “ PAS would harm our entire culture, especially our family and intergenerational obligations. The temptation to view elderly or disabled family members as burdens will increase, as will the temptation for those family members to internalize this attitude and view themselves as burdens” (Four Problems with Physician-Assisted Suicide, 2015). The author explains …show more content…

In the U.S. constitution it gives the right of the pursuit of happiness alongside of other various rights for our life, not death. Nowhere in the constitution does it state that one has a right to die. Therefore, it should not be allowed in other states and the Supreme Court should ban the states from making that choice. If an individual wanted to die they would take it into their own hands, which is called suicide, but they added a physician then involving the government. This makes it seem okay to commit this immoral act when in reality it’s just as bad as regular suicide because they are parallel …show more content…

Perplexing questions from why the person choose this, what caused them to think this way, and how did life get that unbearable? The families and friends involved are extremely depressed over the death of someone they cared about that took their own life. Regular suicide is dying on one's own terms, and whether people choose to believe the same of assisted suicide, it’s the basis of their entire argument. The definition of suicide is when someone voluntarily and intentionally takes their own life. Assisted suicide is that same definition alongside of a doctor. It’s extremely devastating when someone takes their own life and there have been multiple sad stories to prove it. So why isn’t it the same for assisted suicide? It’s the same act just alongside a physician why is there a difference in this society? Have Americans become desensitized to

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