Richard Perez-Pen The Problem Of Cheating

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Richard Perez-Pena asserts that the problem of cheating has become more widespread in recent years and is involving all types of students from low to high achievers. He implies that the Internet has become one of the major factors that are contributing to the problem of plagiarism and cheating today (Perez-Pena). Perez-Pena states that “Internet access has made cheating easier, enabling students to connect instantly with answers, friends to consult and works to plagiarize” (Perez-Pena). What he is trying to say is that the introduction of the Internet to a culture that is already heavily focused on sharing is like adding gas to a burning fire (Perez-Pena). Perez-Pena wants to make it perfectly clear that the Internet has made plagiarizing another’s …show more content…

But experts say most schools fail to do so” (Perez-Pena). Laurie Hazard, the director of the Academic Center for Excellence at Bryant University states “Institutions do a poor job of making those boundaries clear and consistent, of educating students about them, of enforcing them, and of giving teachers a clear process to follow through on them” (qtd. in Perez-Pena). Perez-Pena wants to show that schools could help the problem of plagiarism if they did reinforce the standards that deal with plagiarism and why it should not be tolerated. He also added the quote from Laurie Hazard to further back up his point that if teachers and schools did review the rules of how to correctly give credit when it is due then plagiarism and cheating would surely lessen. Another point that he makes in his article is that parents of all types of students are also causing plagiarism to become more prevalent (Perez-Pena). He states that “Experts say that along with students, schools, and technology, parents are also to blame” …show more content…

This is because that if parents help their child with everything they do, then the child will never learn how to do things on their own. One of the most important aspects that parents are preventing their children from learning on their own is how to correctly cite sources. This leads to the next point that Perez-Pena makes in his article and that is that parents and students alike, create a pressure to succeed and to excel and that this pressure drives students to cheat. Donald McCabe a professor at Rutgers University and an expert on cheating states “I don’t think there’s any question that students have become more competitive, under more pressure, and, as a result, tend to excuse more from themselves and other students, and that’s abetted by the adults around them” (qtd. in Perez-Pena). Through this quote that Perez-Pena included in his article he wants to express his belief that the ever-increasing difficulty to succeed and thrive today is causing the youth to turn a blind eye to their own actions. This incredible pressure that is put on students now is forcing them to cheat and plagiarize to obtain their goals, even if it costs them their moral

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