Rhetorical Analysis: Run The World

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In 2003, the queen of hip hop released what would become a household album. Beyoncé Knowles spent the beginning of her solo career fighting to relay one big message to anyone who would listen to her music. However, in 2011, Knowles release the hit single “Run the world,” which features Beyoncé in over the top costumes, while at war with women on one side and men on the other. This inspired young women all over the world to take control of their lives while not allowing society to make them feel inferior. Beyoncé uses many rhetorical devices throughout her music video such as repetition and symbolism to pull her audience in to make sure her ultimate message is received. This hip hop icon continuously strives to reach her audience with her feminism message through her music to appeal to their ethos, and with feminists such as Emma Watson and Hilary Clinton on her side it is easy to make adolescent females in the world feel confident and important. …show more content…

She was the first music artist that was ambitious enough to make a music video that got the ball rolling on all things feminism. Emma Watson beautifully states what feminism truly stands for “women deserve to feel equal and strong” (Watson). Knowles wants every girl to be able to pick up a pair of headphones and instantly feel like they can do anything they set their minds to. It is imperative that everyone take charge and stand up for the women in this fight for gender equality. There are young girls that refer to Beyoncé as their “role model” (Utely 1). She feels a sense of accomplishment to be able to help any woman who is struggling and in need of

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