Run The World Beyonce Analysis

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For years, society has struggled with encouraging positive influences on the youth through the media. Young girls and boys are exposed to the corruption of social media and the web. The song, “Run The World”, by Beyonce, hits on the issue of how women of power are portrayed in the media when viewed using a feminist lens. We have come such a long way as women to become equal to a man, which is how it should be. While Beyonce’s song may seem like women empowerment, it is actually causing the feminist movement more harm than anything else. Women should not be portrayed as better than men, but as their equal. Portraying women as better than men in media, influences our younger women to think that. This will only take us back in history instead of …show more content…

To raise a successful youth of women, we need to show them the right ways to love themselves. That is to know you’re worth and and equal to men, without tearing the opposite gender down. That is the issue with Beyonce’s song. The media portrays this issue in mostly a negative light. On facebook you will see countless articles about feminism, and in the comments you will see countless arguments about it as well. People continuously argue about the word “feminism” and what it actually means. Feminism does not mean putting men below women, but putting them as an equal stance. Beyonce’s song is a cheap cover up for her “feminist” beliefs that she failed to portray through her music. Beyonce is a very talented actress/singer that is very much valued by a lot of people. Women of all ages look up to her, and are influenced by her. She is aware of this, and portrays this through her music by putting out empowering and mainstream music, but in this song “Run The World”, she took a wrong turn. While it isn’t clear if she did it on purpose or not, she still made the

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