Rhetorical Analysis Of Emma Watson's Speech

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On September 20, 2014 Emma Watson made an impressive speech about Feminism at the United Nation. Emma Watson was launching a campaign called “HeForShe”, by using this opportunity she want to use her ardent and motivational speech to convince the audience for equality. The main idea of Watson’s speech is to end gender inequality, by stating the misunderstand of feminism, the importance of men’s assistance, and the consequences of gender inequality.
First of all, one the persuasive technique that Watson used in her speech is evidences. For example, Watson stated that “15.5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as children” (Watson 3). By providing data of severe consequence if gender equality is not solved, strongly impacts the audience of giving them the responsibility to take action to help. In addition, by giving data and facts in the speech can make the readers find Watson’s speech more logical and reliable.
Secondly, Watson used rhetorical question in her speech to support her points. For instance, she asked “How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation?” (2). The rhetorical question is used to let the audience rethink of how important their help are but if no one is taking action, then it …show more content…

For example, Watson describe herself as “too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive” (1). By using those negative adjective to describe a women emphasize the issue of gender inequality. Furthermore, the word ‘strong’ should be a commendatory term describing a person who have the power. Unfortunately, because of gender inequality and group with all those negative terms, the word ‘strong’ become a derogatory term, which seems like women cannot be strong. By using connotation, it makes the audience being emotional and being motivated by Watson’s point of gender

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