The Trump Speech: Donald J. Trump's Speech

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Throughout the many years of news, politics, and other platforms of media – we see – that there are many forms of persuasion when speaking to a major audience; however, often times their word choice or ideas can lead them to success or they will be hurting their ethos since they might not make any sense, and will not connect with the audience well. A great example of someone who might benefit and reverse his progress with persuasion is Donald J. Trump. Trump puts fear into his audience as he affirms his candidacy for the President of the United States. His tactics consisted of using scare tactics to get people to believe that he is the only person in the electoral race that can protect America from terrorist groups like ISIS. His Hasty generalization …show more content…

Trump informs the crowd that “Our country is in serious trouble…we don’t have any victories anymore we used to have victories” following up to that statement Trump asks his audience, “How are they going to beat ISIS? … I don’t think it’s going to happen” Trump might yell and say things in this manner about ISIS or any terrorist group will bring bad thoughts to our people, and when that happens they need someone that they can depend on when they feel scared and hopeless because they are incapable of protecting their own country. ISIS is a current group of people that cause many problems to the United States because they are very violent. They will surely put all of their trust in Trump when a scary situation is placed in front of them and believe anything they are told. It is a good tactic to get what Trump wants in the Presidential election. Often times a certain group is targeted to bring out some light on things that our people would not know about and automatically assume that the specific group is going to negatively impact our

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