Rhetoric Of Gun Control

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On Friday morning, November 6th, a man in New York city woke up and watched the news. There he saw former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, announcing his ideas for gun control. The news stated that after spending millions of dollars to spread his “Everytown for Gun Safety” across the country, United States citizens were still not impressed. Bloomberg’s main goals are to enforce stricter background checks, remove guns from domestic abusers, and give families the right to remove guns from people they believe are dangerous. According to the “Gun Control Overview,” pro-gun control advocates only focus on a select few gun violence issues, and they tend to repeat the same examples in their rhetoric. The gun control is one of the most debated …show more content…

One of the ways gun control could have taken a strong hold in these countries is the rhetoric used. Andrew Jay McClurg states in his article, “The Rhetoric of Gun Control,” the differences between “good” and “bad” rhetoric and how gun control is a prime example because it uses both types. McClurg states that in this debate, the rhetoric “flowed freely on both sides.” One of several outcomes related to gun control can best be demonstrated by the recent terror attacks in Paris, France on November 13, 2015. Having a licensed weapon could have possibly meant the difference between life and death for hundreds of people when a shooter opened fire in the Bataclan theatre. Nelson Lund states in his article, “Second Amendment, Political Liberty, and the Right to Self-Preservation,” that the United States has twisted the Second Amendment in higher and lower courts, “Establishing that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, however, is only one small step toward developing a sound interpretation of the constitutional guarantee.” The Supreme Court has created their own definition to fit their gun control ideology, and said definition does not correlate in any way the the definition in the Bill of Rights. By outlawing guns for self-defense in any country, but specifically the United States, the world will not be able to fight back attackers such as the ISIS terrorists in

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