Reflection On An Argument Letter

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The rhetoric for this argument letter was very important since I was writing to my towns First Selectman. In this piece, I met the learning outcome 1a, since I was able to recognize it called for a a specific type of writing because of the certain rhetorical situation. Before writing, I thought about my audience, the purpose and context of the piece and picked how to express my ideas accordingly. Since the First Selectman’s job is to deal with town members, I knew he must get many emails and calls from people everyday. I wanted to create something easy yet effective for him to read. I didn’t want to write an essay because that would have been a very ineffective method of getting my argument across. Instead, I chose to write a letter, which goes along with learning outcome 2b. I believe a letter was a good format to write my argument in because I was able to be formal enough to be taken seriously, yet I didn’t seem too serious, as I would have, if I wrote my argument as an essay. While revising this piece, I …show more content…

His hard work paid off and now he officially has a seat on the Senate. The Student Senate plays a very important role here at the university. It deals with a lot of issues both on campus and off. “We deal with both external and internal affairs and we make sure that everything is going smoothly.” The Senate is split up into committees that each deals with a different type of issue. For example, the committee that Luis is on recognizes student organizations. Others deal with academic issues, commuter issues, policy issues and many more. The most recent topic discussed at the meeting Luis attended was whether or not more security cameras should be added to various locations on campus. At these meetings, the members of the Senate will all voice their opinions and then end the meeting with a

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