Review Of The Story 'Initiated Into An Iban Tribe Of Headhunters'

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Can anyone live and survive alone? In an autobiographical story, “Initiated into an Iban Tribe of Headhunters,” by Douchan Gersi, he shares with his experiences in an Iban tribe. However, before becoming a part of the tribe, the author had to undergo through their initiation. Without knowing exactly the physical ordeal in store, he accepted because he “had been through worse” (Gersi 80). Overconfidence can kill and that is where the author found himself, alone in the forest. Gersi was forced to go out alone in the forest for three days and three nights with no supplies, weapons, or food as well as having to escape a group of young warriors as the last and final part of the tribe’s initiation. Fortunately, a woman offered Gersi a place to stay and food to eat until it was safe for him to return to the village. This shows how much any individual, like Gersi, had to rely and depend on others in order to live and survive the initiation. As kind and respectful Gersi was towards the Iban tribe’s culture and their women, he displayed a tremendous overconfidence when he accepted the initiation without knowing the ordeals he had to face. As Shakespeare said, "security Is mortals' chiefest enemy" (Shakespeare). A week later, Gersi’s first initiation began, and it was to “lie down naked in a four-foot-deep pit filled with giant carnivorous ants” (Gersi 81). Although this ordeal is not life-threatening, the …show more content…

It was an arduous game where according to the story, “I had to run without any supplies, weapons, or food, and for three days and three nights escape a group of young warriors who would leave the village a few hours after my departure and try to find me. If I were caught, my head would be used in a ceremony. The Iban would have done so without hate. It was simply the rule of their life. Birth and death. A death that always endangers new life” (Gersi

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