Review Of Speech On Oklahoma's Own By Will Rogers

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In my second essay I chose to do my speech on Oklahoma’s own, Will Rogers. This particular speech was part of his routinely scheduled radio broadcast to the American public. This broadcast was given in October of 1931 during the midst of the Great Depression. At this time America was in great need of laughter, but also needed to hear the truth about matters such as politics, world affairs and anything else we might hear about on today’s televised broadcasts. More than anything, America needed hope, Will Rogers gave America that hope with his radio broadcasts known then as, “Bacon, Beans and Limousines”. In this informative broadcast, Mr. Will Rogers covers many various topics; he starts off by relating to the general public. He does this by talking about current events such as; prohibition, President Hoover and elections, world relations particularly with Europe, the country’s ability to grow its own food and to feed itself, and in his own words he says, “we’ll hold the distinction of being the first country to go to the poorhouse in an automobile”. …show more content…

Born in raised in Oklahoma when it was still Indian territory, Mr. Rogers cowboy’d with the best of them and was pretty handy with a rope. All that said, the words he used and the accent he spoke in were as real as the difficulties we were all facing as a nation. I think he realized that people could see the sincerity in him, despite his southern charm and whimsical yarns they saw a man who came from humble beginnings, and even though he was not hurting financially he had not forgotten where he had come from and stayed true to his humble

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