Think Fast or Slow: Influence and Perception

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After the recent events in are country for a president that doesn't seem to care what he says on a national pate to the recent school shooting I have seen a change in myself that i never would've realized if i hadn't of been introduced to an Articol named “Think Fast or Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. In This Articol it talks about how when you are around people or situation your mind can subconsciously changed what you are thing. Like if you hear the word hunger then if you are given the letters s,o and p then you will think soup but if you hear the word wash and give the same letters then you will think of soap. Are president has the world's attention and instead of using it to the good he would rather act like a little kid and just blurt …show more content…

Back in september he called the leader of north korea “little rock man”, this man has said that he has nuclear weapons that could reach as far as chicago and has been known for doing ircatick thing for little to know reason so i do not believe that the best way to hand this is to call him names like we teach are kids not to do. What this is doing to are youth is saying what their parents have taught them for years is totally irrelevant and that it is ok to call people names. As Kahneman explains "Priming effects take many forms. If the idea of EAT is currently on your mind (whether or not you are conscious of it), you will be quicker than usual to recognize the word SOUP when it is spoken in a whisper or pre­sented in a blurry font. And of course you are primed not only for the idea of soup but also for a multitude of food-related ideas.” this shows us that when we hear derogatory slurs for a furger that we are supposed to look up too we are sleeves will us it. I have found that when i disagree with someone i am more opt to just call them stupid and walk off and not talk with them to hear their …show more content…

I used to think that are gun rights were fine and that the only people that opposed them were flat lands that had never shot a gun in their life but with what has been going on with all of this gun violence my position has changed and I believe that not only is tighter gun laws better for are country it is almost ecenchol to stop the gun violence. “Another major advance in our understanding of memory was the dis­covery that priming is not restricted to concepts and words. You cannot know this from conscious experience, of course, but you must accept the alien idea that your actions and your emotions can be primed by events of which you are not even aware.” When you are exposed to event it can change your perspectives on certain issues. The most interesting thing that has happen is that i have seen this in more than just myself i have knowest it in my dad, he used to be one of the strong's effects for not change gun laws but it seems as if he has completely change his point of view. After these schools keep getting shoot up i think it really hit home and changed both of us. These shooting have also shown me that the youth is no longer just a group of people that can’t do anything because of our age. When we had the student walk out on march 14th in protest of better gun laws.

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