Responsibility In Hatsue's Snow Falling On Cedars

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In 1941, the Japanese people attacked the U.S Pearl Harbour. The U.S then declared war and put many Japanese in internment camps. In the excerpt, from “Snow Falling on Cedars”, we see Hatsue Imada and her mother, Fujiko, where Hatsue wants to take responsibility for herself but the mother does not want to see her daughter grow into a woman yet. The mother wants to maintain parental responsibility for her daughter, but her daughter feels that because she is eighteen, she should be able to make her own decisions and be responsible for herself. This excerpt can relate to real life, taking responsibility for yourself or others. “Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.” - Adrienne Rich. Within this excerpt, we see Fujiko, Hatsue’s mother, wanting to make the decisions for her daughter. However, Hatsue disagrees. ” “I’m eighteen,” replied Hatsue. “I’m old enough. Stop thinking of me as a little girl. You have to understand-I’ve grown up.” “ Due to the given circumstances, Hatsue and Fujiko have been through alot. Loss of possessions, put …show more content…

I know that after I graduate, I will be responsible and on my own. When you are at a younger age, your parents are one hundred percent responsible for you. As you get into your teenage year, your parents will get you a phone and you will be responsible for taking care of that phone, but your parents will still be paying your phone bill. If you have a job, you need to be responsible. If you are driving and have friends or family in the vehicle, you need to be responsible and take care so nothing bad happens. Responsibility is a very important quality you need to have in

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