Examples Of Coming Of Age Essay

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Have you ever thought about how hard growing up is? Coming of age can mean many different things for different people but it mostly means growing up. Everyone has their own meaning, it’s different for each family, culture, etc. For example, for some people coming of age means to be able to drive, for others its graduating high school. In addition to coming of age comes responsibility, privileges, consequences, and many others. Coming of age can change your perception of life because of the things that come along with it but just because you can do more things that you weren’t able to do before doesn’t mean that you should just be focusing on this new part of your life. To begin with responsibility one of the many things that are part of coming of age. Responsibility can stand for different things for example, to be able to act independently and make decisions without authorization. The older you get the more your parents will trust you to stay safe if you go out by yourself. Another part of responsibility especially if you have younger siblings is that you are now the permanent baby sitter for your family. In spite of having “freedom” you are stuck at home while your parents and your friends are out having fun. The older you get the more work you have to do in school and at home. This …show more content…

For me to “come of age” means to grow up, to become wiser, and to become more responsible. Responsibility, privileges, and consequences are all a part of coming of age. When you get the privileges you need to be responsible with them and if you're not you will get consequences for that. When we “come of age” when we are in high school, for example driving it can teach us what we need to know when leave home along with any other things we learn or any mistakes we make. Even though it’s something that can’t be avoided I don’t think anyone is ready to grow up,who wants to grow up and have to figure out what it’s like to live in the real

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