Response To The Poem 'Ring Of Roses'

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The poem, ‘Ring of Roses’, has a deeper meaning than it seems. There is a proper reason why it was made. What is that reason, and has there been any modifications to this poem? Here is the poem: Ring around the Roses A pocket full of posie A- tishoo! A- tishoo! We all fall down. The cows are in the meadow, Eating buttercups A- tishoo! A- tishoo! We all jump up This poem originated around the 14th century. These were the times when the black plague contaminated the people and the animals of medieval Europe. The black plague was awful. It killed millions of innocent people and changed medieval Europe forever. In fact, this poem is about the black plague, and here’s why. Ring Around the Rosie One of the black plagues symptoms was the bumps on your skin. The bumps would have rings around them which gave them the appearance of ‘Rosie's.’ …show more content…

They were right, they just had the wrong cure. They thought if they put flowers in their pockets, the air would smell nicer, then they would be cured. A- tishoo A- tishoo This is related to the sneezing and coughing of the people of the medieval times. The sneezing and coughing spread the disease further through the air. Someone would cough, someone would breathe in that cough, and they got infected. We all fall down This is related to all the people dying in those times. Millions of people died. (refer to slide 8, bottom paragraph.) Then they were buried and chucked into the river. The cows are in the meadow, Eating buttercups When cows eat buttercups, they die. This is because buttercups are poisonous. This reflects on when the livestock in medieval times was affected by the black plague. Many animals died. Cows are animals. A- tishoo A- tishoo This again relates to the coughing and sneezing of the townsfolk that spread the horrendous

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