Response To E. B. White's Short Stories

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E.b White starts his story with a simple description of a childhood vacation sport in Maine ,then when you read the sentences following it “We got ring worm from some kitten and had to rub pond’s extract on our arms and legs” makes you thinking why would anyone want to go there? His mind wonder back into the past and remembers why this place makes him feel that .In praying that his son would find this place as a holy spot for himself too. In reality, it just shows him how now the roles are changed and that now he is performing the same action that his father was doing when he was younger. This was stated when he was fishing with his son. “I would be picking up a bait box or laying down a table fork, or I would be saying something, and suddenly it would be not I but my father. White begins to notice a sense of dual existence between his past self and now .He begins to feel that soon he might become a memory like his father. Other creepy factors also played into effect such as his observation of the dinner girls at the dinner “the waitresses were the …show more content…

Before I moved to Berwyn I use to live in the Northside of Chicago. I remember walking to Tony’s on the weekends with my mother. It was this Chinese restaurant down that was street from our house .The clerk women knew my mother and would always tell my mom how handsome I was. She would also ask if I wanted a lollipop and I would always pick the blueberry one .Then we would walk back to the house only to be greeted by aunt smoking outside with our dog laying in the grass. Felt was a large sized dog, but at that age, I believed he was almost as big as a horse. Then we would bring out our nice dishes and have a family meal. This gave a feeling of warmth and security. It is sad that my family and I did not stay there now, however I love the house I am at now

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