Research Paper On Zoroastrianism

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The Good, the Evil, and One God Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. Thousands of years ago it was the religion in the Persian Empire and one of the most powerful religions in the entire world. Zarathustra, the founder of Zoroastrianism, is the first monotheist that is recored. This religion has been around to see many different empires in history as well. In this paper I will tell you about the Zoroastrianism creed. The main belief of this religion is monotheism, which is the belief in one God. There is good and evil in the world that represents all of the aspects of life for man, including everyday life to the almighty cosmos. Zoroastrianism is the first monotheistic religion. This religion was founded …show more content…

The one and only Lord is present in everything and everywhere. The second creations is Vohu Manah, also known as good mind. “It is divine wisdom, illumination, and love… Vohu Manah is associated especially with the animal kingdom” (Contractor). The third is Asha Vahishta, which is the highest truth. “Translated as “righteousness,” the word asha is etymologically the same as the Sanskrit term rta, and thus is the dharma or Plan by which the world exists. Asha Vahishta is the order of the cosmos, the ideal form of the universe. It is associated with the element of fire” (Contractor). Forth creation is Khshathra Vairya, known as “desirable dominion, is divine strength and the power of Ahura Mazda’s kingdom. In theological terms, it represents the Kingdom of Heaven; in human terms, it represents the ideal society. Khshathra Vairya is associated with the sky and with the mineral kingdom. Human beings can realize the power of Khshathra Vairya when they are guided by Good Mind and Highest Truth” (Contractor). The fifth one is Spenta Armaiti, which means the holy or bountiful devotion. “Theologically is the attitude of piety and devotion; ethically, it is the attitude of benevolence. It is associated with the element of earth” (Contractor). The sixth creation is Haurvatat, who represents wholeness, as a “state of perfection, complete well-being, spiritual and …show more content…

As a human makes more and more right choices in their life, they get closer to salvation. Once one is dead and has reached salvation, there must be a “purification of body and soul, and of preserving the purity of the sacred elements, fire, earth, and water” (Williams, 202). “The dead body could not be buried, nor burned, nor thrown into the water—as such an act would result in the defilement of one of those elements. It must be exposed on the Dakhma( grave or a place of exposure of the dead. To dispose of i otherwise would be to incur mortal sin” (Williams,

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