Research Paper On The Gilded Age

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The gilded ages was a major population growth in the United States. During this time many things came about like the construction of transcontinental railroads, technology, and more business blossomed. Although this era brought many new ideas it also brought contradictions in many area, and it effect the people the most. The Gilded age was perceived as an era of conflict in the west, south and even in the city foreign policy. It all started with the manifest destiny where people believed that the expansion of the United States was both justified and inevitable. And this was the reason for the westward expansion, many people moved to the west to be able to own land, and for economic reason, such as farming and mining. The idea of a better life struck many immigrants who moved to the west. The first group effected by this expansion were the Native Americans who own their own land and had their own tribes. The reservation enabled Native American to live in peace. Many were upset that the …show more content…

Business believed they were better off without the government involvement. Monopolies where another system that came out during the gilded age it controls the supplies and trades. Although monopolies brought benefits to industry, they also brought consequences of harsh labor conditions, and economic problems. Monopolies were not beneficial to the economy because they inflated prices, and hurt consumers. The gilded age was a time of horrible working conditions and violence. People worked 10-18 hours a week, about 6 days a week. Working in factories was very difficult, because many injuries and death occurred. Many workers couldn’t blame the factory owners because there was no safety rules. Also many workers couldn’t read instruction to operate machine because they didn’t speak English which caused many of them to endure injuries or even

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