Research Paper On Modern Slavery

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Modern Slavery in India India is hiding a dark secret, one that has haunted them for centuries; India is the world’s leader in slavery. Slavery is a problem that ravages India; with 14 million in forced servitude today India is the country with the highest number of modern slaves. There are many different causes and forms of slavery that affect India. They also have laws and regulations prohibiting the act, but slavery still happens. Even though what they are doing now isn’t working there are things we can do to change the future. Modern slavery is defined as someone having the possession or control over another human being to such a degree that that person is deprived of individual liberty, with the aim of using that person for their …show more content…

This is the beginning of the awful cycle that is debt bondage (Dominguez). Even still, there is a more awful, heinous way people can be brought into modern slavery; women and children from rural villages are loaded onto a crowed truck with the promise of going to the city for a good job and better life but unfortunately that is all a lie (Dominguez). Once to the city they find out they are not there for jobs, they have just been added into the sex trafficking ring along with thousands of others (Dominguez). “Poverty, conflict, gender inequality, and relentless pressure to reduce labor cost provide fertile ground for slavery” (“Modern Slavery Grows”). Often people in severe poverty have nowhere to turn but to forced labor just to receive their basic needs of food each day. Conflict can also be a source of slavery because people are taken from their home by rebels and forced into enslavement. Women can also be forced into labor due to gender inequality and treated like animals. Here in America, we don’t understand the true cost of having all of our goods at such cheap prices. The burden of selling products at such cheap prices and still making profit leads some business and factory owners to enslave their employees. Along with all the

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