Research Paper On Deborah

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Deborah’s story begins in Judges four and goes through Judges five. Her narrative is one that breaks the tradition of her time. Deborah is one of the few female prophets in the Bible, and one of the best well known. She is not only a prophetess but also a judge, public figure, and military leader. Her life influenced many people, and her strengths are inspiring. She set a moral standard on how to follow God. She trusted in God to do what he said, therefore, she did whatever he told her to do. She led the people of Israel by example. She Deborah was a faithful leader.
Overall, Deborah’s life involved following God and breaking social constraints. She served the people of Israel during the repentance and deliverance phases of the Deuteronomy …show more content…

Deborah’s roles also included being the driving force behind Israel’s army. Her influence on Israel was more than a mere judge; she was the rally cry for justice! According to Tullock and McEntire, “Deborah’s role was to rally the people to fight against the enemy” (The Old Testament Story 106). She was the driving force behind Barak’s army. Without Deborah, Barak would not have had the courage or insight to attack the enemy. Specifically, “Barak said to her, ‘If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go’” (NIV Judges 4:8). Luckily, for Israel, Deborah agreed to go with Barak. If she had not agreed, they probably would not have defeated Sisera and Israel would not have received its …show more content…

These strengths included her ability to serve and trust God. Deborah must have also been great at public speaking. According to Rose Kam, Deborah “is gifted with commanding presence, oratorical power, a reputation as Yahweh’s own spokesperson, and the sheer audacity to cry, ‘Enough!’” (Their Stories, Our Stories: Women of the Bible 95). Her stage was “the Palm of Deborah” and her audience was all of Israel (NIV Judges 4:5). Her ability to speak helped her deliver God’s news to the people of Israel. She also used her abilities as a prophetess to declare that a woman would gain the glory of the battle.
More importantly, perhaps Deborah’s greatest strength is her faith. Throughout Deborah’s entire story, the Bible shows how one woman changed the course of Israel’s history. She was a great leader and was fearless. She followed Barak into battle when he needed her and did not show any fear of the onslaught. She completely put her trust in God and did not falter. Her faithfulness is clearly illustrated in

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