Research Paper On Cinderella

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Fairy tales are some of the most compounding stories us as humans still have to this day, not only are they full of morals, ethical themes and guidelines, but also make for good storytelling as well. One particular set of tales, quite possibly the most popular fairy tales to date are the tales of Cinderella. Cinderella is the story of a fallen princess of sorts, she is often overshadowed by an overpowering stepmother, or sisters that cast her away to do all the daily, mundane tasks that no one else wants to do. Because of that castaway, Cinderella often becomes this broken, dirty, shell of a person that she used to be, but she remains complicit in her day to day life because complaining and trying to change it will only cause more strife and issues. In this essay, both the German and French variations of the tales will be …show more content…

The main points that will be touched upon throughout the essay is how history plays a role in the progression of the tale, how the audience could have possibly interpreted the tale, and finally the culture surrounding the tale and what kind of impact that makes. Before any stark comparisons can be made between any pair of the tales, the tale should first be explained to the reader, so there can be a brief understanding of what the tale encapsulates. Cinderella, the French variant tells the tale of a daughter that has to become stepsister to a pair of daughters coming from her father’s second marriage. Right away there is conflict, the newly found stepmom does not like her husband’s daughter and essentially forces her to do all the mundane tasks, as well as belittle her throughout the course of her lifetime. The daughter, Cinderella, is unable to complain to her father because he is essentially ruled by his wife. Cinderella deals

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