Research Paper On Adam Smith

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INTRODUCTION:-Adem Smith was born in Kircaldy,Scotland in 1723.He was education universities of Glasgow and Oxford. He became professor first of logic and then of moral philosophy at Glasgow. He travelled for tow years on the continent. Whiel in France came into contact with some of the leading physiocrats of the day,including quesnay and Turogt. He help that post for the remaining years of his life. He died in 1790. Adam Smith published his Theroy of Moral Sentiments in 1759. According to Adam Smith, ''political economy is an inquiry into the natuer and causes of walth of nations.''In his book ''Wealth of Nation''
ADAM SMITH (1723-1790)
Adam Smith was a Scottish political economist and philosopher and is often is touted as …show more content…

Although Adam smith was the founder of the classical school,David Ricardo became the leader of thr scool.Ricardo was born in 1712 in a jewish family in england.With systematized economics, and was one of the most important contribuion was the theory and Malthuse, Adam Smith & J.S.mill. After hios family disinherited him for maeeying outside his jewsh faith, Ricardo made a fortane as a stoc brokea and loan broker. David ricardo maintained that the economy generally moves toward a standstill. The most fertile land naturally produces more food then land of poorer quality. As a result it commends a higher cost.jewish faith, ricaedo made a fortane as stoce broker and lad broker. Adem smith's the wealth of nation, ricard got excited about economic. Marx,in fact, based of economic theory on Ricardo's labour theory of value life and worke.Whan capitalism erded its utilized Ricardo's forecast of economic. It is unlikely that Ricardo would. ''corn laws''. Thus wasa clash of intrests between the landowners and inanufactures. Economic thinkers forced to problems suchas rising prices. Is best left untouched. Government action only prevets the economic stance result in further economic

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