Research Paper

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Mary Wollstonecraft, a women’s rights advocate in the year 1792 summed it up perfectly when she said, “I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves.” She is describing the fight within every woman in the Feminist Movement that began in the 1700’s and extended throughout the late 20th century. This powerful motion was a drive to address the debated issues of reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. As time has passed, feminists have pushed extremely hard to gain equal rights and respect from their male counterparts. Unfortunately in today’s world, society still puts an emphasis on a women’s exterior beauty. They emphasize it in magazines, television commercials, and even the infamous beauty pageant. The industry of beauty pageants is growing rapidly, jeopardizing the continuous work of many women’s rights advocates, throwing away the continuing efforts for equal rights (Miss America, 2011).
Women Facing Discrimination
The life of a woman prior to the 1960’s was simple; stay in the home, take care of the family, and face discrimination daily. The feminists of the 20th century had different visions for themselves however, including: equal pay for equal work, an end to domestic violence, an end to sexual harassment, and sharing of household responsibilities.
Until the Feminist Movement in the 1960’s, women faced enormous inequality in the workforce. (E-Collaborative, 2014) Many jobs prior to this time were limited to only males, women often held submissive occupations, working under the supervision of a man. In many instances both sexes were carrying out the same responsibilities but were paid on an entirely differ...

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...y. These brave ladies had a vision in mind, that one day all women would be able to understand self-worth while reaching equality measurable to their male counterparts. Unfortunately, women in today’s society have forgotten this battle, and are selling themselves short while taking part in beauty competitions, which would be very disappointing to women’s rights activists of the past. With any luck, women will begin to understand the countless disadvantages of beauty pageants and how these competitions damage every one of them in the end. Hopefully women will once again come to the realization that respect can be earned through the value of the mind and interior rather than the appearance of the exterior. In a perfect world ladies will soon be able to stop cowering down to beauty pageants and begin to honor the fact that being a woman is strength in itself.

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