Research Paper

625 Words2 Pages

When reading William Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, one can come to the conclusion that Macbeth’s tragic flaw of ambition leads to his ultimate downfall. Many individual factors such as his personality traits, motives, and other character’s influences must be fully examined to prove this argument.
It is apparent that from the beginning of the play Macbeth’s character possesses ambition. However, his prior ambition was used in a positive manner to defeat a rebellious nobleman, the Thane of Cawdor (this title later comes to symbolize dishonesty). As time goes on, and the prophecy made by the weird sisters goes to his head his ambition begins to transform and create him to be a corrupt man. One might contend that this transformation of ambition is boosted and altered by the influence of Lady Macbeth.
Throughout the play different prophecies are presented to many of the characters, including Macbeth. After the prophecy is offered it is up to the individual to either act upon it or not. In Macbeth’s case he does act upon the prophecy because of his “vaulting” ambition. This decision ...

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